So how do you find a Lady Tradie in your area?
It's Free & EASY! Under the Find a Lady Tradie heading (above) you'll see a drop down list with each state listed. Under each State is a list of each Lady Tradie within that State, starting with her Business Name, Business Type and the area she services. Within each as listing - you'll see their photo (so you know in advance who you're dealing with) her qualifications, what she specialises in, her contact details & possibly a link back to her own website, or social media platforms where you can view further details about her company and work. You can view or contact as many Lady Tradies as you choose. Simply select the one/s you wish to contact and take it from there. Talk to them about what you need done, get them to come and have a look at your project if needed, ask them for guidance, help or suggestions, have them provide you with a quote & then YOU decide who gets the job. Lady Tradies are extremely approachable, understand your job's important to you, know you want it done properly & professionally. Hiring a Lady Tradie through here, is almost the same as choosing any Tradie from say the Yellow Pages, the Newspaper, or Online etc. The 1 exception is - ours are all female! |